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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 3, Issue 3, pp. 389-559

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Spherical Means of Conjugate Fourier Integrals in $E_2 $ at the Critical Index

G. E. Lippman

pp. 389-400

Bergman Operators for Elliptic Equations in Four Independent Variables

David Colton

pp. 401-412

Dual Integral Equations with Trigonometric Kernels and Tempered Distributions

R. P. Srivastav

pp. 413-421

Hypergeometric Integral Equations of a General Kind and Fractional Integration

Tilak Raj Prabhakar

pp. 422-425

A Proof of a Theorem by Dolezal

Reuven Meidan

pp. 426-427

Uniform Asymptotic Stability of Evolutionary Processes in a Banach Space

Richard Datko

pp. 428-445

Integrals of Products of Bessel Functions

A. D. Jackson and L. C. Maximon

pp. 446-460

Series Expansions of Solutions of $U_{xx} + U_{yy} + \varepsilon ^2 U_{tt} = U_t $

Chi Yeung Lo

pp. 461-473

Vertical Asymptotes and Bounds for Certain Solutions of a Class of Second Order Differential Equations

S. B. Eliason

pp. 474-484

Functions Whose Fourier Transforms Decay at Infinity: An Extension of the Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma

N. Bleistein, R. A. Handelsman, and J. S. Lew

pp. 485-495

Remarks on the Existence Theory for Multiple Solutions of a Singular Perturbation Problem

Seymour V. Parter

pp. 496-505

A Cauchy Problem for the Navier-Stokes Equations in $R^n$

George H. Knightly

pp. 506-511

Second Order Differential Equations with General Boundary Conditions

G. J. Etgen and S. C. Tefteller

pp. 512-519

Singular Perturbations of a General Boundary Value Problem

K. W. Chang

pp. 520-526

Existence and Representation Theorems for a Semilinear Sobolev Equation in Banach Space

R. E. Showalter

pp. 527-543

An inequality Related to Poisson's Equation

Alan R. Elcrat

pp. 544-545

Modified Abel Expansion and a Subclass of Completely Convex Functions

S. P. Pethe and A. Sharma

pp. 546-558

Errata: Disconjugacy Tests for Singular Linear Differential Equations

D. Willett

p. 559